About The Inner Circle

The Inner Circle is unique to you; who do you hold closest? Who do you trust? Who do you want to bring with you when you rise above? We here at the Inner Circle understand the importance of Loyalty, Trust, and naturally; Respect. 



The Inner Circle logo is evocative of a classic medallion, worn close to the chest. It's importance cannot be understated. The first component is the innermost 'III'. Meant to represent the three core components of the inner circle motif; Loyalty, Trust, and Respect. Each reliant on the other, each more important than the last.




The Boomerang  

Second is the radial 'Boomerang' chevron. These stand as reminders that all actions are deserving of equal reactions. Without proper conduct, karma is certain to find you. Stray from your Inner Circle and its bound to come right back around. 


The Outer Ring

Finally, the outer edge of the medallion is a barrier, or a wall. Your Inner Circle is only as strong as its weakest member. The tighter the circle, the stronger the wall.